Tuesday, May 25, 2010

WTF have YOU been!?


Its been awhile but I'm back. This time I intend to keep this up. All diary-like. Its been an eventful few months since I've been away.

Mere days after my last post our house caught fire and destroyed most of our earthly possessions. Thankfully no one was hurt and we all made it out unscathed. We moved in with my sister (God bless her) for a few months. I thank the powers that be everyday for her and her family's willingness to put thier (normal) life on hold to help us out in our time of deparation. They opened up thier home and allowed us to promptly wreck it with our kajillion kids and what was left of our belongings. Since then we have found a new home in Edwardsville. I hate being away from my beloved KCK but we gotta do what we gotta do right? Then in February I lost my job (which i hated anyway) and have been out of work since. Hopefully this won't be for much longer.

I'm glad to be back. It feels good to be typing this right now and I think I will be back here more often. I'm glad to report that my relantionship with my wife is getting better. We have stepped up communication which has gave each other a sense of what we both require from this marriage. I think I have a deeper understanding of how much she puts into our family and have therefore appreciated her more. I have told her how I feel. She tells me how she feels. We both try to sympathize with those feelings and our relationship is stronger now. I no longer feel intimadated by her when talking about our emotions as i have found it easier to express exactly how I feel. A problem I had in the past. So for now I must motivate myself to get off here and do something productive. Video games are productive right?

1 comment:

toonerboo said...

We didnt just "step up" communication... lol
write more!